About us

LHB-Liitto (English translation: LGB Union) aims to elevate the voices of sexual minorities – i.e. lesbians, gays, and bisexuals. We organize events, maintain a blog, and share relevant information and news stories, all while remaining politically and ideologically independent. Our association was launched in May 2021, and we joined the Finnish Register of Associations in September 2021.
We want to offer LGB people opportunities to meet and build networks with each other. We want to fight discrimination against sexual minorities, break harmful prejudices and promote a clear and nuanced discussion around current concepts of sexuality, gender, and sex.
According to our views, sexual orientation is firmly based on biological sex: critically, we differentiate between biological sex and gender identity. We aim to challenge the popular notion within the LGBTQIA+ community that having a specific sexual orientation equates to practising a ”genital fetish”, and we do not consider sexual orientation to be a mutable ”preference”. Furthermore, we defend the right for both lesbians and gay men to meet in sex-segregated groups.
We maintain that LGB people are united by same-sex attraction. Having said that, we are a very diverse group of people: some of us want to break gender norms by displaying less stereotypical choices in clothing, self-expression, or hobbies, and that is fine. We support every individual’s right to express themselves however they want to, regardless of any gender norms, without being pressured to transition into another gender identity.
Why not support us by becoming a member? You will find a warm welcome, new friends and associates, and opportunities to make your voice heard within our community and beyond. Questions or comments to the board and other active members of the association can be sent by e-mail to info (at) lhb-liitto.fi or through the contact form.
Become a member
Any adult over 18 who supports our cause, and resides in Finland or has Finnish nationality, is welcome to join our association. There are two types of memberships for individual members: ordinary member (varsinainen jäsen) with a right to vote in meetings, or associate member (kannatusjäsen) with no right to vote in meetings. Organizations may join as community members (yhteisöjäsen). You can find our application form and our rules (in Finnish only) here, please e-mail us at info (at) lhb-liitto.fi for more information in English.
Participation is encouraged! Perhaps you would be interested in the following suggestions for contributors?
- Writing and/or editing blog posts (feel free to choose a nickname)
- Other content creation
- Graphic design
- Campaign planning
- Translating texts
- Social media communication
- Organising events
- Running hobby groups
- Something else? Ideas are always welcome!
Your input may be a one-off or, alternatively, you may like to participate more frequently, or even become a regular contributor. Participating as a volunteer does not require membership, so why not get in touch, and let us know what kind of input interests you the most!